Yes I happen to be a perfectionist. It's the reason I don't sell my crafts on etsy, the reason I started writing a book and never finished, the reason I straighten my hair every single day and its the reason that if we have a rough day I blame myself.
So today I had to remind myself that the laundry truly is never ending and I'm not falling as a mother because I haven't folded it yet, that the dishes are a sign that my family is well fed not that I'm lazy, that my children most likely aren't up at night conspiring against me on who will nap when so I don't get even two minutes to myself, and that admitting all this doesn't make weak, actually maybe a little bit stronger.
Today's been one of those days. But instead of panicking because I have laundry that needs to be folded and clean dishes in the dishwasher, I am going to sit on the couch with my (finally) sleeping baby because its just a bad day and not a bad life and everything else will just have to wait until later.
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